40Hz Light And Sound Therapy Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that predominantly affects people later in life. It impacts several aspects of cognitive functions in those affected such as memory loss. Although medical treatments for Alzheimer’s are available, traditional treatments don’t offer significant improvements. 40Hz light and sound therapy treatment for Alzheimer’s disease is a relatively new innovation that holds a great deal of promise for those suffering from this condition. So, let’s take a look at this therapy, how it works, and more.


What Is 40Hz Light Therapy For Alzheimer’s And What Are Its Benefits?

40Hz light therapy it has recently been considered a viable treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. 40Hz light therapy works by exposing participants to a light set to a frequency of 40Hz. This frequency is important because it can synchronize the gamma waves in our brains, which are responsible for cognitive functions like memory. 

People with Alzheimer’s disease have disrupted gamma wave patterns, and 40Hz light therapy looks to address this. Several new studies have highlighted key cognitive improvements in Alzheimer’s patients who undergo 40Hz light therapy treatments. This form of therapy may help enhance memory, stabilize moods, improve sleep patterns, and boost the quality of life for those suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Does 40Hz Light Help With Alzheimer’s?

Although light therapy comes in different types, the important treatment for Alzheimer’s focuses on 40Hz light therapy treatment. This is because this frequency is very similar to our brain’s natural gamma frequency. As mentioned, this discovery has shown to be a useful tool in the treatment of Alzheimer’s as it addresses the disrupted gamma wave pattern in those with the disease.

What Is A 40Hz Frequency In A Light?

The term 40Hz or 40-hertz in light therapy is used to denote the rate at which light flickers. For a 40Hz light, this would be 40 pulses per second. This rapid pulsing is thought to promote synchronized brain activity with light, which can help our cognitive functions if they are abnormal in some way.

Other Treatments Vs 40Hz Light Therapy For Alzheimer’s

There are several other treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, such as medication used to slow the progression of symptoms. However, there are side effects to these treatments and they only offer marginal relief. These medications include Leqembi, Donepezil, and Galantamine, which is used for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s symptoms.

40 Hz light therapy for Alzheimer’s provides individuals with a non-invasive, drug-free alternative treatment. In many cases, using light therapy as a complementary treatment to these medications can prove to be quite effective. For those looking to avoid the side effects of the medications, though, 40Hz light therapy is very much a viable option.

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What Is 40Hz Sound Therapy For Alzheimer’s And What Are Its Benefits?

40Hz Alzheimer’s sound therapy uses sound waves that are set to 40 pulses per second. Just like light therapy, using sound at this frequency has been shown to help with synchronizing gamma brain waves. Like the light therapy, the changing gamma waves can help with symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s, such as:

  • Cognitive Abilities: 40Hz sound therapy has the potential to improve memory and other cognitive abilities in those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Reducing Amyloid Plaques: Amyloid plaques are a physical manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease, so reducing their numbers can slow the progress of the disease.
  • Sleep Patterns: Alzheimer’s has long been known to disturb the sleep patterns of those affected. Sound therapy is believed to help regulate sleep patterns and help with sleep disruption.
  • Mood: Another symptom of Alzheimer’s is frequent mood swings including depression and anxiety. Sound therapy for Alzheimer’s can potentially help with mood stabilization, improving the overall quality of life for patients.

How Does The 40Hz Frequency In The Light And Sound Help With Alzheimer’s?


The 40Hz light and sound therapy for Alzheimer’s treatment is key to its effectiveness. This frequency corresponds with the gamma wave activity in our brains, which is tied to cognitive processes like memory, attention, and sensory perception. Alzheimer’s disease disrupts the gamma wave activity in the brain, which is partly responsible for the neurodegenerative characteristics of the disease.

So, both types of therapy aim to stimulate the brain’s gamma wave activity so that it synchronizes to 40Hz. The idea behind all of this is that by enhancing the correct gamma wave production in the brain, cognitive functions will improve.

There have been several small clinical studies and trials that have shown great promise in treating Alzheimer’s with 40Hz light and sound therapy. The most recent research from highlights particular benefits associated with this type of therapy for Alzheimer’s.

Small Studies And Their Findings

40 Hz light therapy research for Alzheimer’s began in 2016. The team demonstrated that light flickering and sound clicking at 40Hz lowers levels of amyloid proteinsprevents neuron death, and preserves synapses in the brain (Tsai et al., 2016). Studies even pointed to sustained learning and memory in mouse models with Alzheimer’s disease. This body of work has been expanded by other researchers, such as the innovative findings by OptoCeutics researchers.

Some of the most recent work highlighted the safety of using light and sound therapy. It caused no serious side effects in participants while also improving brain activity and connectivity. All told, their work showcased that 40Hz light and sound therapy for Alzheimer’s offered significant clinical benefits without any notable risks.

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What Does A 40 Hz Light And Sound Therapy Session Actually Look Like?


When it comes to actually making use of light and sound therapy, there are a few routes you can take. Many clinical and healthcare settings offer these therapies, but companies like OptoCeutics allow you to take therapy sessions at home. By using your light therapy lamp at home, you can control when you are using it and the environment you use it in. Here’s a general overview of what a therapy session looks like:

  • Turning on the Lamp: Find somewhere comfortable to sit and place the lamp on a flat surface, about 2 feet away from you.
  • Once Daily: Keep a consistent schedule with your therapy sessions – once a day is enough.
  • Passive Treatment: You don’t need to actively engage with the lamp in any way during the session. You can watch television, have a meal or talk with others while using the lamp.

The real benefit of performing this treatment at home is the freedom it gives you. You aren’t forced to attend a clinic or arrange an appointment – you use it when you want to. This makes it much easier to maintain, ensuring that you can get the best possible results from light or sound therapy.

What Is The Best 40Hz Device To Use With Light Therapy For Alzheimer’s?

Although the research surrounding 40Hz therapy is quite new, products are already being developed and rolled out to utilize this innovative research. Of these, Optoceutics has been one of the most efficient in providing a useful service to users, offering a ready-to-go product that works well in the home.

The Latest Research On 40Hz Sound And Light Therapy Treatments For Alzheimer’s

Research into how 40Hz sound and light therapy can work as a viable treatment for Alzheimer’s is ongoing. The main body of work builds from a study from 2022, which incorporated two small-scale clinical trials on human participants. These clinical trials showed that the therapy sessions were safe and significantly effective at reducing brain volume loss and increasing brain connectivity.

Work by OptoCeutics researchers has also helped assess the efficacy of 40Hz sound and light therapy. From learning about the safety of this treatment to the overall effects of 40Hz therapy treatments, their work is likely to become foundational for this treatment’s uptake.

This body of research is growing, with many institutions looking to understand the potential of 40Hz light and sound therapy for Alzheimer’s. The National Institute for Health, in particular, is looking to conduct long-term trials and research in this area.

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What Is The Impact of 40Hz Light Therapy On Brain Functions In Alzheimer’s?

The body of research around 40Hz light therapy and how it impacts brain functions in Alzheimer’s patients is ongoing but very promising. These findings have documented that light therapy set at 40Hz can help several cognitive functions in those suffering from Alzheimer’s, such as:

  • Improvement in Gamma Rhythm Power and Synchrony: Initial experiments with 40Hz stimulation have indicated improvements in gamma rhythm power and synchrony in the brain. This is significant because gamma rhythms are associated with higher cognitive functions, and their enhancement could potentially counteract cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients
  • Improved Memory: Memory and attention are two areas that 40Hz light therapy looks to improve in Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Reducing Amyloid Plaque: Amyloid plaques and tau tangles are two signs of Alzheimer’s, and the more that are present, the more severe the symptoms appear. 40Hz light therapy can help to reduce these, which can slow the progression of the disease.
  • Neuroprotection: The research has also pointed out that 40Hz light therapy might offer neuroprotective qualities. This could help preserve the neural functionality of those with Alzheimer’s.

The other important area where 40Hz light therapy can help Alzheimer’s patients is by adjusting circadian rhythms and behavioral disruptions. This includes:

  • Sleep Patterns: Our circadian rhythm affects our sleep patterns, and those with Alzheimer’s tend to have disruptions in these areas. 40Hz light therapy can regulate these rhythms, improving sleep quality and well-being.
  • Mood: Alzheimer’s patients often have mood disturbances and changes in behavior due to their disease. By using 40Hz light therapy, things like depression and general agitation can be mitigated.

Effect Of 40Hz Light Therapy On Behaviors

One of the more distressing characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease is how it changes the behavior of those suffering from it. The change in brain functionality causes a number of behavioral disturbances that range from agitation to depression. 40Hz light therapy offers a promising form of treatment that can potentially address these symptoms. 

  • Aggression and Agitation: Becoming aggressive and agitated are hallmark signs of advanced Alzheimer’s, and are quite challenging for caregivers to deal with. Light therapy has been shown to offer a calming effect on patients, which can help with neurotransmitter regulation and improve sleep patterns. This, in turn, can help mitigate aggression and agitation.
  • Mood Stabilization: Another common symptom of Alzheimer’s is an unstable mood, which can sweep from manic episodes to deep bouts of depression or anxiety. 40Hz light therapy can help stabilize moods, lowering the risk of mood swings.
  • Memory and Cognition: Memory loss and cognition issues are also prevalent in those with Alzheimer’s. Research has noted that 40Hz light therapy can strengthen brain connectivity, which improves cognition and strengthens memory.

The Circadian System In Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s patients often deal with disrupted circadian rhythms, which brings about irregular sleep patterns and other behavioral disruptions. 40Hz light therapy, particularly when used in the morning, can help reset circadian rhythms in those with Alzheimer’s, which helps to re-establish a more regular sleep-wake cycle.

Many of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are connected, so by tackling one issue researchers have found it can provide a knock-on effect. By addressing issues with circadian rhythms, those with Alzheimer’s note improved mood and an overall improvement in quality of life.


Is There A Best Type of 40Hz Light And Sound Therapy For Alzheimer’s?

There are several different types of light therapy that could help treat and manage symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s. The best type of light will depend on the symptoms being targeted. The different light therapies available include:

Bright Light Therapy

Bright light therapy looks to mimic natural sunlight by using a bright light during treatment. The main goal of this type of therapy is to adjust circadian rhythms, which could improve sleep patterns in Alzheimer’s patients.

Blue Light Therapy

Bright light therapy looks to mimic natural sunlight by using a bright light during treatment. The main goal of this type of therapy is to adjust circadian rhythms, which could improve sleep patterns in Alzheimer’s patients.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy uses light closer to the infrared spectrum of color. Unlike the other two forms of treatment, red light therapy looks to enhance cognitive abilities in Alzheimer’s patients. Red light can penetrate tissues more readily, which can help with neuroprotection and elasticity.

What Is The Best 40Hz Device To Use With Light Therapy For Alzheimer’s?

When it comes to the most appropriate device to use with 40Hz light therapy for Alzheimer’s, there are a few things to consider. The most important thing is to use a device that can trigger light bursts at 40Hz, or 40 pulses per second, to interact with brain gamma waves. Optoceutics EVY LIGHT is a great example of this, as it offers all of the functionality required for 40Hz light therapy while making it suitable for at-home use.

EVY LIGHT also uses a unique, patented technology to provide the light therapy treatment. Known as Invisible Spectral Flicker (ISF) technology, this option doesn’t come with any side effects that are associated with other forms of light therapy, such as stroboscopic lighting. Stroboscopic lighting has been shown to cause headaches, dizziness and even epileptic seizures. So if this concerns you, EVY LIGHT’s ISF-technology is definitely worth considering.

Is 40Hz Light Therapy For Alzheimer’s Expensive?

The total cost of 40Hz light therapy for Alzheimer’s will vary significantly depending on the device used and the environment it’s used in. For example, some clinical settings may include 40Hz light therapy as a form of treatment, but it isn’t available everywhere. The cost of this treatment will also vary depending on your health insurance and what insurers include in coverage. You’ll also have to travel to clinics every day for treatment to be effective, which becomes a burden quickly.

Alternatively, purchasing a 40Hz light therapy device, such as EVY LIGHT, can make the entire treatment much more affordable. This also gives you the accessibility required to use it in your own home or anywhere else of your choosing. It is arguably the most cost-effective solution as it avoids using hospital facilities or insurance providers.

Does 40Hz Frequency Light And Sound Therapy Cause Problems If You Have Alzheimer’s?

The research is generally aligned, that there were no significant side effects from 40Hz light therapy treatment in participants, there are certain individuals who should be mindful of the potential risks. So if you have any of the following conditions, make sure that you speak with a medical professional before undergoing any form of light therapy:

  • Eye conditions such as glaucoma or retinal disease
  • Skin sensitivity such as dermatitis
  • Bipolar disorder or other behavioral disorders
  • Light sensitivity or migraines
  • Overstimulation is a possible risk with sound therapy
  • Auditory discomfort is also a risk during prolonged exposure to sound therapy

Does A 40Hz Light Help With Sundowners Syndrome?

Sundowner’s syndrome is a common symptom associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It involves heightened confusion, distress and other behavioral disruptions during the late afternoon and evening for those suffering from Alzheimer’s. 40Hz light therapy could help with this syndrome as it targets the circadian rhythm in patients.

Studies have shown that using 40Hz light therapy can alter the circadian rhythms in people with Alzheimer’s, which could help lessen the severity of sundowners syndrome. Although the research looks good, it is still developing so a more definitive answer about how 40Hz light therapy could help treat sundowners syndrome is yet to appear.

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Frequently Asked Questions About 40Hz Light And Sound Therapy For Alzheimer’s

What Is The Best 40Hz Light Therapy For Alzheimer’s?

The best 40Hz light therapy for Alzheimer’s will be one designed with this treatment in mind. Stroboscopic technology can be difficult to tolerate for many and may cause dizziness, cause, nausea, headaches, or seizures, so consider using EVY LIGHT which features patented ISF technology, which for many improves tolerability.

The best form of sound therapy for Alzheimer’s will vary on the individual’s preferences, as there is limited evidence around the efficacy of one device over another. For example, using headphones instead of speakers doesn’t inherently impact outcomes, but if the patient isn’t comfortable with headphones then speakers would be the best option. 

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